Tell your story in difficult situations.
Line 1 ⇥ 15 / Humbleness
You are wounded and deflated. Set doubt aside. Start scheming. Stop distractions.
Line 2 ⇥ 11 / Power Up
You are hindering your progress. Compassionate people need your help. Claim your reward.
Line 3 ⇥ 24 / Obsession
Bring light into the darkness. Start a revolution. This process takes time. Tell your story.
Line 4 ⇥ 55 / Rest
You are experiencing truth. Slow down.
Line 5 ⇥ 63 / The End.
Don't stress. You win some, you lose some. Make a move and claim your reward. You won't fail.
Line 6 ⇥ 22 / Art
There is so much dark. First, have faith. Then, let yourself fall.