5 - Xü - Resources

Commit yourself to sincerity. Good deeds don't require force. Tell your story and claim your reward. Start facing truth.

Line 148 / Love
You are in need, and help is far off. Stay faithful. You are doing the best you can.

Line 263 / The End.
You are in need, and people are talking about you. In the end you can claim your reward.

Line 360 / Headspace
You are in need, and you are stuck. Danger is very likely.

Line 443 / Epiphany
You are in darkness. Get out of there.

Line 511 / Power Up
All your needs are met. Tell your story and claim your reward.

Line 69 / Routine
You have fallen into darkness. At the last moment, help will come to your aid. Wait for it and claim your reward.